Kimi ga Nozomu Eien/Rumbling Hearts Wiki
Akane Suzumiya in Akane-Maniax

Akane Suzumiya seen in Akane-Maniax OVA

Haruka believe Akane bypassed her relatives of her past.

Haruka believe Akane bypassed her relatives of her past.

Akane Suzumiya is the younger sister of Haruka Suzumiya. Akane initially sees Takayuki Narumi and Mitsuki Hayase as older siblings until she finds out they have been seeing each other behind Haruka's back. While Haruka is in the hospital, Akane visits every day since there is no one else that can keep her company, even if Haruka is in a coma. This shows just how much she loves her older sister. She, like Mitsuki, is a powerful swimmer in her own right, but feels as if she can never match Mitsuki. Her intense hatred towards Mitsuki after the accident can be attributed to the feeling of personal betrayal by someone she considered an idol for throwing away her (Mitsuki's) talent and dreams as well as Mitsuki's betrayal of her sister by her sexual relationship with Takayuki. She learns to move on in life and becomes a top swimmer in Japan.


  • The name Akane means "deep red, dye from the rubia plant" (茜).
  • Akane's surname Suzumiya means "bell" (鈴) (suzu) and "temple, shrine, palace" (宮) (miya).